Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sometimes I feel wistful

It was him, wiping away tears of joy at just seeing her.
Her, beaming and giddy and skipping and laughing.
Him, not reciting a formula but literally shouting his love.
Her, holding his face to hers for just a second longer.
Both of them, holding hands, skipping and dancing out of the chapel.

I've never been a fan of weddings. They're boring, they're all pretty similar, they all end the same. That, though, wasn't a wedding so much as a celebration. It was like a pronouncement that these two kids are perfectly in love, and plan to be for pretty much ever. It was the best day of their life, and everyone could tell. There was no reservation. It wasn't a ritual for them; it was a gift to each other, from each other.

I feel like I suddenly understand the dying institution-- you don't get married to "become one flesh." You get married because you can't comprehend being with anyone else for the rest of your life. You don't want anything else. A lot of guys label it a prison, but to him it was more like finding freedom. Like, in his wife, in that union, he found himself more himself, if that makes any sense. It was really neat. You could see this love between them that they were dying to find a way to express. Marriage was the most natural step in the world.

I wonder if I'll ever feel that strongly for anyone. I wonder if it's even possible.

In any case, congrats, guys. That was fun to watch.

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